Mien Bogaert

stage direction | text | set design


The Belgian stage director, text-writer and set designer Mien Bogaert is an extremely versatile music theatre and opera artist. Beside staging repertoire operas, he also collaborates with contemporary music composers in order to create new works. His striking visual language is achieved by lots of self-made set elements and intense collaborations with costume designers. The stagings Mien Bogaert develops and the texts he writes, are deeply rooted in (art)history and often address societal challenges such as climate change, migration flows and the continuation of the European project. As a 2020 RING AWARD semi-finalist and a member of Akademie Musiktheater heute, he has had productions in Belgium (la Monnaie/de Munt), Germany (Hamburger Staatsoper), the Netherlands (Muziektheatergebouw aan ‘t IJ), the United Kingdom (Britten Theatre London) and Austria (Theater Villach).


Peer Gynt - Bozar, 2022

"De jonge theatermaker Mien Bogaert schept een indrukwekkende video-installatie met pantoffelhelden in neon ondergoed en een papiergekroonde Peer Gynt." - BRUZZ

La traviata - Theater Schweinfurt, 2020

"Was auch gefällt: Bühnenbild und Licht von Mien Bogaert. Vor allem das Spiel mit Licht und Schatten, dass die Figuren immer wieder neu miteinander in Beziehung setzt, fasziniert. Wer ist im Moment der oder die Stärkere? Wer bestimmt? Das läuft im Hintergrund, wie ein Stummfilm.“ – Main-Post

A l'extrême bord du monde - de Munt 2020

„Lo scrittore si confronta con la moglie, la coppia sembra simbiotica ma in realtà lui resta centrato tutto su di sé, e tutto questo è messo ben in evidenza dalla regia di Mien Bogaert che cura anche il bell’allestimento.“ – Il gironale della musica

"Ihm ist da wirklich ein fantasievoller, politischer Tschaikowsky-Abend gelungen."

- NDR Kultur about Eugen Onegin, Hamburg 2018


A l'extrême bord du monde | la Monnaie, 2020

Staging and set design of Harold Noben's new opera A l'extrême bord du monde about Stefan Zweig's last days in Petrópolis.

Don Giovanni | RING AWARD 2020

International competition for stage direction and stage design in musical theatre at Graz, Austria.

Eugen Onegin | Hamburg, 2018

Staging and set design of Tchaikovsky's Eugen Onegin, graduation project at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg.

PEER GYNT trailer

in collaboration with the Belgian National Orchestra, Bozar and Klarafestival


graduation project at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg


touring opera production with OPERAWERF


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